Music On the Horizon

Whats coming up.


Library Jam – Friday 3rd July at 7.30 pm.

July 10th Karen Clarke with Rob Wilson and Frances Boyson

Strathean “Folkus” Weekend – 10-12 July 2015. Contact Julie Kilpatrick for more information.

AGM  and then acoustic night is on Friday 24th – at the Horowhenua Scottish Society Hall, 7:30pm. $2 entry.


Mid Winter Holler – Acoustic Americana – to be held at Tatum Park, Otaki from Friday 31 July to Sunday 2 August 2015.  Check Mid Winter Holler on Facebook for information.

Library Jam – Friday 7th August at 7.30 pm.

In August Club night (Friday 14th) we have Kim Bonnington and Cameron Burnell as guest artists.

Acoustic night is on Friday 28th – At Jo Sheffield’s home, 7:30 pm start.   Scottish Hall not available that night.  $2 entry.


Library Jam – Friday 4th September at 7.30 pm.

September 11th guest artisits are “Black Eyed Susie”.

Acoustic night is on Friday 25th – at the Horowhenua Scottish Society Hall, 7:30pm. $2 entry.