About Us

The Levin Folk Music Club started approximately 35 years ago and became an Incorporated Society in 2011.  Our financial year runs from July 1st to June 30th, with our AGM in July or August each year.

The club is run by an elected Committee; the current Members (elected August 2024) are:

  • Chair         – Keith Heginbotham
  • Secretary  – Jean Hollis
  • Treasurer  – Val Jenkins
  • Committee Members – John Jenkins, Rick Swan, Carrie Reed

Assisting with important club roles are:

  • Booking Officer    – Carrie Reed
  • Publicity              – Carrie Reed
  • Newsletter Editor  – Jean Hollis
  • Sound Team         – Paul Webster, Keith Heginbotham
  • Website/FB          – Susan Jenkins
  • Raffles                  – John Jenkins

The Committee are also grateful for assistance from Members to facilitate Concert Nights and hope you will participate on a Volunteers Roster.  Please feel free to contact the Committee to offer any help. Set up of the hall is done at 4:00 pm Friday and some extra helpers would be wonderful.

Our venue is a local hall with easy access and ample parking.  Concert seating, a light supper and occasional home baking, create a warm welcoming atmosphere.  Club members and visitors are more than welcome to wear a face mask during the evening.

The Concert Night format (2nd Friday each month, except January) starts with an open “Blackboard” concert with a broad range of acoustic/folk music for the first half, then supper at 8:45 pm, followed by a high quality guest performer or band  (usually from outside our region) until approximately 10:30 pm.  This format is subject to change by the committee.

There is only one item per “Blackboard” slot, unless on the night and when asked by the Compere, a second item may be performed.  Any confident performer can give their name to the Compere from 7:00 pm onwards.  A sound system and sound technician is available so no sound gear is required.  On occasion, there is a 15 minute Member Floor Spot scheduled to spotlight performers from within the Club.

Club Night (4th Friday each month except December/January) is an informal sing-around, a great night to show off a new song.  A light supper is provided – gold coin donation – all welcome.  Starts at 7:30 pm.

Our Club Nights are open to everyone and membership is optional – however there are benefits to becoming a club member,  including lower entry prices, Member’s jackpot and reciprocal membership entry to other folk clubs. Membership forms are available in our Downloads section.

Come just to listen or to perform on the blackboard as well. You are assured of a warm welcome.

Our current constitution is available from here.  Other important documents and Newsletters can be found on the Downloads page.  There is also an Archive page for past Newsletters and documents.