
8 July 2022 – Members’ floor spot concert with invited guests

8 July 2022 – Members’ floor spot concert with invited guests

Horowhenua Scottish Society Hall
Cnr. Bartholomew Road and Middlesex Street, Levin

Doors open at 7:00pm – Music begins at 7:30pm

Admission (includes a light supper)-
$5.00 for Members and non-Members; $3.00 for Students

Blackboard 1st half – Invited guest performers 2nd half:
Keith Heginbotham
Jennie Cavaye
Liz and Griff Davies
John Laurenson

Images source: John Jenkins, LFMC Committee Member

2022-2023 Membership Subs Reminder

2022-2023 Membership Subs Reminder

Hello fellow Levin Folk Music Club Members.

The month of June is over and July is here…. So just a gentle reminder this means the beginning of our Club’s new financial year (1st July 2022 – 30th June 2023) is here too and that Membership Subscriptions are due. No alteration to the annual fee- still $25.00 per Member.

You can pay:

  • by cash “at the Concert Door” (our next Concert Night is Friday July 8th), or
  • by Internet Banking into our Club’s Westpac Bank Account 03 0667 0611942 00.
    If you do pay by Internet Banking, please make sure that you advise who the subscription is for.

For anyone wishing to join our Club you can download and print a Membership Application/Renewal Form, then complete the form and bring it along to a Concert Night. You can pay your Membership Subscription via the Internet before bringing along the completed form… just make certain that you advise who the subscription is for!

Also, another reminder-

Come to the Club’s August AGM to be in the draw for a cash refund of your 2022-2023 Membership Subscription.

If you join our Club, or renew your Membership, for the 2022-2023 financial year anytime before the “Lucky Dip” is drawn at the Club’s AGM – and you attend the AGM – you will have the chance of your “name card” being the one drawn. The “Lucky Dip” draw winner, who is present at the time of the draw, will receive a cash refund of their 2022-2023 Membership Subscription. You must be present at the time of the draw to receive the refund.

The Club’s July Newsletter will be advising more about the Club’s AGM, so I’ll just mention here that it is to be held on Friday, 26th August 2022 starting at 7:00pm at the Horowhenua Scottish Society Hall (where we hold our Concerts), 155 Bartholomew Road (Cnr Bartholomew Road and Middlesex Street), Levin.

Val Jenkins – Treasurer, Levin Folk Music Club Inc.

10 June 2022 – Legal Tender (Ian and Moira Campbell)

10 June 2022 – Legal Tender (Ian and Moira Campbell)

Local Kapiti Coast duo Ian and Moira Campbell (Legal Tender) are delighted to be coming back to perform at the Club on Friday June 10th. Following their recent return from the Paihia Country Rock Festival they will be dusting off the last of the “cobwebs” from the enforced ‘Covid’ break by performing some new “favourites” as well as songs audiences have loved.

The duo have been the recipients of “Gold Guitar” country music awards and are frequent collaborators with various members of the Hamilton County Bluegrass Band and other well know kiwi musicians. Performing a wide range of songs from alternative down-home original songs, and covers, the duo have engaged audiences from the Bay of Islands to the deep south. Songs by various artists including Guy Clarke, Holly Williams, Lorri McKenna and their own originals sung with earthy integrity and powerful vocal harmonies.

The evening at the Levin Folk Music Club begins with the usual blackboard for those who like to participate. Doors open at 7:00pm, with blackboard beginning at 7:30pm. The guests will appear after supper. Admission, which also includes a light supper (tea/coffee and muffins), is $5 for members, $10 non members, $3 for students.

The club also has an acoustic night on the fourth Friday (June 24) where performers can come and have a go in an informal environment.

11 February 2022 – Sadie and Jay

11 February 2022 – Sadie and Jay

Sadie & Jay’s storytelling music bursts with colour, texture and spirited characters! Performing original contemporary folk & roots music they feature distinctive harmonies accompanied by intricate guitar and double bass. Dynamic and intimate performances range from lively rag-time blues and comical ditties to compelling epic tales and ballads.

10 December 2021 – Hobnail & Christmas Concert

10 December 2021 – Hobnail & Christmas Concert

Come along and enjoy this last concert of 2021. Hobnail will get your feet tapping and your heart singing with their great songs, wonderful harmonies and lively show.
Rob Joass – vocals, guitar and mandolin; Jo Moir – vocals and violin; Hamish Graham – multi instrumentalist. Their fusion of bluegrass, Celtic, folk, pop and rock’n roll will delight us all.

The evening will begin with a slightly shortened blackboard, followed by a short break.  We are unable to supply supper under current Covid conditions but you are welcome to bring your own supper and refreshments. Special Christmas raffles on sale.



12 November 2021 – Head Full of Bees/Kevin Mayes

12 November 2021 – Head Full of Bees/Kevin Mayes

Night will begin with a floorspot from Kevin Mayes who specialises in singing traditional unaccompanied English folk songs.

“Head Full of Bees” follow with three great singers of sea shanties and trad songs. A young and lively group to entertain us. Instruments include cello and bouzouki.

Read their bios.

29 October 2021 – Mike Harding

29 October 2021 – Mike Harding

MIKE HARDING is our special guest for the end of this month.  We’d love you to come along on Friday, 29th October at 7:30 pm – Selected floorspots will begin the evening and our concert will be at Covid level 2 as before.

You are welcome to bring your own refreshments as no supper will be served.


Out of the Blue – Oct 8 and AGM News

Out of the Blue – Oct 8 and AGM News

Read our October newsletter here.   The Club offers a huge thanks to Dianne Morris-Madill and Dale Webb for their efforts over the year(s) in their committee roles and wishes them a happy future .

‘Out of the Blue’ is when something suddenly appears or  arrives in your life unexpectedly. Although not entirely  unprecedented, this grouping of experienced and talented  performers preparing a show for the post covid LFMC/Tsunami concerts is a new venture for all concerned. 

Surprise or not, we are excited to combine the instrumental  excellence of local Kevin Watson on guitar, the smooth vocals of singer/songwriter Gill Allen, the intuitive upright bass and  singing of new Kiwi Christine Lansford, with Levin’s Simon Burgess adding his troubadour skills. 

This hugely internationally experienced group are proficient in  many genres, weaving these skills into a varied program of  jazz, folk, country and originals with tasty vocals and a gypsy  flair. From ballads to gospel, raunchy to smooth, their biggest  problem is not what to play, but what not to play! 

Note: Christine is caught in the USA/MIQ Covid trap and will  not be back in New Zealand for this performance. We are lucky  to have the able assistance of Berndt Reiss to cover for her.

Evening begins with the open blackboard – one item each please – and our guests will play after supper.  Covid regulations per Level 2 will apply if required so numbers may be limited.  Entry fee is $10 public/$5 members.

Mike Harding POSTPONED & Sept Newsletter

Mike Harding POSTPONED & Sept Newsletter

Our September Newsletter is out now – read here

POSTPONED !!  Our special September guest is solo folk icon, Mike Harding, whose concert is eagerly awaited.  Regretfully, the committee is bound by the Covid levels mandated by Govt and in these circumstances, will have to postpone this concert until a better time.  

Due to Lockdown Level 4 on 27 August, the committee has been forced to reschedule the AGM to 24 September 2021, again Covid levels permitting.

We wish all our members a safe time through lockdown, and look forward to our live concerts and social gatherings when possible.

AGM Postponement – Notice of Rescheduled Date

AGM Postponement – Notice of Rescheduled Date



23 August 2021

To all Members of the Levin Folk Music Club

Unfortunately we are no longer able to hold our AGM on August 27 th as planned as a result of the COVID 19 Lockdown. At this stage it seems reasonable to aim for a date later in September, hopefully to allow for the COVID restrictions to be lowered.  We would need to reach Level 2 before we would be able to hold the meeting. The 24th September would normally be our club night and we will reschedule the AGM to this date, dependent on permitted Covid levels.

We will keep you informed, but please be aware the committee must comply with government rulings in regard to gatherings.

Our concert night in September with Mike Harding, September 10th, will also need to be postponed if we are not at Level 2.

Take care of yourselves and keep music in your lives to brighten up some of those lockdown moments.

The Committee of the Levin Folk Music Club

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