
Newsletter August 2016

Newsletter August 2016

August 2016 Newsletter

Click here to read our news for August

2016 AGM

2016 AGM


Happy to announce Colin Brown continuing on as Secretary/Newsletter Editor this year; the positions of Chair and Treasurer will be filled within committee or rotated amongst committee members.  Several new committee members (Jean Hollis and Cavan Haines) joining Dale, Colin, Keith, Kevin and Paul – wonderful!  There was a productive discussion around the Motions:  Motion 1 was carried, taking effect from 1 July 2017 and Motion 2 was defeated, so our concert prices will continue at $5 for members and $10 non-members.  Dale will take on Bookings, with publicity help from Rona and Ian Todd.  It was good to see members offering support in a variety of ways, and very positive feedback about the committee’s work and future of the Club.    The Reports are available under Downloads on the website.  Thank you to all 2015 committee including resigning members Jo, Rona and Margaret.  From Dale

AGM Notice – July 22, 2016

AGM Notice – July 22, 2016


7:30 p.m. Friday 22 July 2016 at Scottish Society Hall, Bartholomew Rd, Levin followed by Supper and Club Night – informal open mic/jamming.  All Welcome.

SUBS ARE NOW DUE or can be paid at the AGM.
Please note that only financial members are eligible to nominate or vote in elections, and to discuss and vote on motions.   Interested members are invited to join the Committee – in particular, we would welcome a new Chair, Treasurer, Bookings, and Poster/Publicity person.  Can you help out on a regular monthly basis?

GUIDELINES for Concert Night were approved by Committee July 2016.  See here for Guidelines.  Note that Floorspot guidelines will be discussed at the AGM.

July 2016 Newsletter

July 2016 Newsletter

Click here to read our July newsletter

June 2016 Newsletter

June 2016 Newsletter

Click here to read Newsletter

and more photos in the Gallery

from Music Month 2016

Draft Guidelines Concert Night

Draft Guidelines Concert Night

If you are a member or performer on our Concert nights, please read the Draft Guidelines

under Other Documents in Downloads.   This update aims to give all performers a chance

to play, within guidelines set by the committee to facilitate the smooth running of  our concert nights.

May 2016 Newsletter

May 2016 Newsletter

Newsletter May 2016

Click here to read newsletter

May Music Month 2016


Exciting Stuff

Invitation to Members

Well, we have a great opportunity to showcase the musicians from our club on Saturday 28th May for May Music Month, organised by Kings Sound Centre, Levin.

My reason for writing is that the Folk Club is organising four hours of live music outside Caffeinate at the very top of Queen Street (by the Traffic lights and opposite the Warehouse) on Saturday 28th May from 10:00 – 14:00 hrs and I am on the scout for volunteers to play.

We had a great time last year and it’s a good opportunity to get together as musicians as well as promote our folk club locally.

If you would be interested in playing (probably be a minimum of 2-3 songs, depending on how many people are interested) please can you let me know by Sunday 15th May, to give me time to organise the order of play and get back to you with you with a guide on timings etc. We will have the club sound system on hand to plug in, so no need to bring anything except yourselves, your voices and your instruments.

Dale is hosting a relaxed music evening and shared dinner at her Ohau property for those who wish to carry on with Saturday’s fun – further details to come later.

Please email your response to

Jo Sheffield

Levin Folk Music Club Committee


Newsletter April 2016

Newsletter April 2016

Welcome to our Website

Click here to read April 2016 Newsletter


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