
July Newsletter & Concert Guests

July Newsletter & Concert Guests

Our featured guests in July are Andrew London and Kirsten London, and we hope you can make it.   Remember DUES are due now and if not paid at July concert, then door costs are $10.

Click here to read our great newsletter.

July Newsletter – Upcoming Events

July Newsletter – Upcoming Events

We hope you will come out for a great concert evening – our guests play mandolin and guitar, and sing from many genres, including the blues.    Click here to read our latest newsletter.

DON’T FORGET OUR AGM – Committee/volunteers/Officers are warmly welcomed.

December 2016 Newsletter

December 2016 Newsletter

Click here to read December newsletter + hear about FOLK 4 KAIKOURA

Benefit Fundraiser – SATURDAY, 10 DECEMBER 2016 –  $10 TO RED CROSS

November 2016 Newsletter

November 2016 Newsletter

Click here to read November newsletter and details of Christmas Concert

$5 Admission for all – please bring a plate to share

November Floorspot is the talented Kevin Watson


June 2016 Newsletter

June 2016 Newsletter

Click here to read Newsletter

and more photos in the Gallery

from Music Month 2016

May 2016 Newsletter

May 2016 Newsletter

Newsletter May 2016

Click here to read newsletter

December 2015 Newsletter

December 2015 Newsletter

Click here to open Newsletter December

Wellyfest 2015

Wellyfest 2015


Early Bird Registrations are Open

Head to our web site at

The exciting guest list is:

ULC Trio, Rob Joass, Albi and the Wolves, Kirsty Bromley, Kelburn Viaduct Municipal Ensemble Jug Band, The Muggeridge Family, King Leo, Fred Smith and Liz Frencham, Pipi Pickers, Rosy Tin Teacaddy, Gillian Boucher and Bob McNeill, Kim and Dusty, The Ewan McColl Critics Group, The Looking Forward showcase concert and the usual variety of dances, workshops and other events

Tickets for the festival are on sale now with early bird discounts available until 30 September. Bunks are available until sold out (last year they were gone in less than a week) so if you want bunk accommodation, please book ASAP.

There are a very few powered sites available for camper vans – these cost an additional $25 and you must include a note with your booking request for one of these. Like bunks, they will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

So mark your diaries now; 23-26 October = Wellyfest.  Save up on sleep before hand so you are ready for the long, exciting, inspiring, beautiful musical days and nights of this fabulous festival……

Music On the Horizon

Music On the Horizon

Whats coming up.


Library Jam – Friday 3rd July at 7.30 pm.

July 10th Karen Clarke with Rob Wilson and Frances Boyson

Strathean “Folkus” Weekend – 10-12 July 2015. Contact Julie Kilpatrick for more information.

AGM  and then acoustic night is on Friday 24th – at the Horowhenua Scottish Society Hall, 7:30pm. $2 entry.


Mid Winter Holler – Acoustic Americana – to be held at Tatum Park, Otaki from Friday 31 July to Sunday 2 August 2015.  Check Mid Winter Holler on Facebook for information.

Library Jam – Friday 7th August at 7.30 pm.

In August Club night (Friday 14th) we have Kim Bonnington and Cameron Burnell as guest artists.

Acoustic night is on Friday 28th – At Jo Sheffield’s home, 7:30 pm start.   Scottish Hall not available that night.  $2 entry.


Library Jam – Friday 4th September at 7.30 pm.

September 11th guest artisits are “Black Eyed Susie”.

Acoustic night is on Friday 25th – at the Horowhenua Scottish Society Hall, 7:30pm. $2 entry.

May, June and July Events

May, June and July Events

What’s On for May June and July


On 8th May we will have The Prowse Brothers performing for us.

Committee meeting May 21st, 7:30 pm (every 3rd Thursday)

May Acoustic night is 22nd.

Saturday 30 May 2015, come into Levin and enjoy a wide range of musical entertainment in a Music Month celebration organised by Kings Sound Centre. Folk Club members will perform outside Roadkill Book Shop & Cafe at 260 Oxford Street (opposite McDonalds) from 11:45 am to 2pm and would welcome support from our friends and folk community.

30th May A bbq/potluck shared dinner at Dale’s property in Ohau from 4:00 pm. Bring your instruments for a night of jamming and camaraderie. Contact Dale by phone 368 6001 for details.

31st May Te Takere Free Sunday Concert: Sunday concert series: Jeff and Sheree Carr


Library Jam – Friday 5th June at 7.30 pm. See newsletter for more detail.

Bent Horseshoe June 6th – Hard Candy.

Bernard Wells & Friends  Friday 12th June club night.

Bernard Wells- mandolin, fiddle, flute, guitar vocals,

Simon Burgess- guitar, bass, accordion

Radha Sahar- guitar, vocals

Mike Savage- mandolin, mandola, guitar


Celtic Harp & Guitar concert in Paekakariki on 21 Jun. See newsletter for more detail.

June acoustic night is on Friday 26th

Workshop on Guitar: Saturday 27 June 2015 , limited to 15. See newsletter for more detail.


Library Jam – Friday 3rd July at 7.30 pm.

Club Night 10th July – Karen Clarke – singer (long time) /songwriter (short time!) / performer based in the creative enclave of Raumati South on the Kapiti Coast. Vocals and guitar.

AGM will be held on 24th July 2015  followed by July acoustic night.

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